Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation While Under General Anesthesia

If you suffer from mild to moderate lower back pain, then you may benefit from chiropractic care treatments such as spinal manipulations or chiropractic massage. Both of these treatment options are performed without anesthesia; however, if your lower back pain is severe or if it has been resistant to other forms of treatment, then your chiropractic physician may recommend that you undergo a spinal manipulation while you are under general anesthesia.

During this treatment, your chiropractor will perform a series of intense stretching and adjustment movements to help enhance your range of motion, increase mobility, and relieve your pain. Here are some things your chiropractor may want you to know about your general anesthesia manipulation. 

Procedure Details

Before undergoing your procedure, you will speak with the anesthesiologist, who will administer the general anesthetic. Your procedure will either take place in an outpatient setting or in a hospital. If your chiropractor determines that you are not a candidate for general anesthesia, he or she will perform the manipulation while you are under sedation anesthesia.

While you will be sedated, you will not be unconscious as you would be while under general anesthesia. After the anesthesia has taken effect, your doctor will perform the manipulation procedure, which may include stretching, spinal adjustments, and mobilization procedures.

These maneuvers will help alleviate your symptoms, especially if they are related to scar tissue or adhesions. The manipulation typically takes about half an hour, and after you wake up from your anesthesia, you will be taken to the recovery room, where the staff will closely monitor you. Patients sometimes experience minor muscle soreness following the procedure, but this is temporary and will fade as time goes by. 


For the first couple of weeks following your manipulation procedure, your chiropractor will recommend that you ice your spine and lower back to help reduce inflammation. You will also be taught a series of physical therapy exercises to help prevent your lower back pain from coming back.

The exercises will also help discourage the redevelopment of scar tissue while helping to strengthen your muscles. You can perform your exercises at home, or, if you prefer a more structured environment in which to perform your exercises, your chiropractor can recommend an outpatient physical therapy program in which you can enroll.

If you suffer from severe back pain, talk to your chiropractic physician about spinal manipulation while under general anesthesia. Your chiropractor will perform a comprehensive spinal examination to determine if you are a candidate for this type of treatment, or he or she may recommend an alternative treatment if warranted. Contact a chiropractic clinic like Burgman Chiropractic Clinic PC to learn more about your options.
